Monday, June 14, 2010

Thank God I'm Not God

I know that the main point of this blog is going to be my reflections on familial affairs, but something lately has made me think. I've been lately dwelling more on the relationship-aspect of my relationship with God, the idea that swelled during the first Great Awakening that Jesus is our Friend, not just our Judge. And like a friend, we need to commit love and time and energy into this relationship, conversation and activities, getting to know one another. Now let me tell you a secret about God that makes our relationships much easier: He's omniscient. He. Knows. Everything. Especially about us. And he still loves us? He still seeks us? Considering this fact, how much more, then, does it hurt him when we neglect our relationships with him?

A friend lately told me that he's afraid a friend of his may have killed herself. I could go on about suicide; perhaps I will another time. But as I was praying for her tonight before I was going to sleep, I pictured that situation from God's perspective. God, our all-loving omniscient Protector…who merely watches as his child kills herself. Please don't misunderstand me; I don't know the current condition of this girl. I can only pray that she's alive. But can you imagine, from God's perspective, watching someone take his own life? How empty a room would suddenly feel? Can you imagine the pure sadness, being there, so close? Thank God I'm not God; I wouldn't be able to handle it. We have the light end of the stick: Seek him back. Get to know him. And Calvinistically, he is so irresistible, so incredible, that if we truly know, love, and accept him, we won't be able to reject him. We will be literally incapable of turning away from him. So how much more terrible is suicide in that light? Thank God I'm not God.

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